Contract value
EUR 100 per index point of the underlying.
Cash settlement, payable on the first exchange day following the final settlement day.
Price quotation and minimum price change
The price quotation is in index points with two decimal places. The minimum price change is 0.05 index points, equivalent to a value of EUR 5.
Contract months
Up to 8 months:The eight nearest successive calendar months.
Last trading day and final settlement day
Last trading day is the final settlement day. Final settlement day is 30 calendar days prior to the expiration day of the underlying options (i.e. 30 days prior to the third Friday of the expiration month of the underlying options, if this is an exchange day). This is usually the Wednesday prior to the second last Friday of the respective maturity month, if this is an exchange day; otherwise the exchange day immediately preceding that day. Close of trading in the maturing futures on the last trading day is at 12:00 CET.
Daily settlement price
The daily settlement prices for the current maturity month are derived from the volume-weighted average of the prices of all transactions during the minute before 17:30 CET (reference point), provided that more than five trades transacted within this period.
For the remaining maturity months, the daily settlement price for a contract is determined based on the average bid/ask spread of the combination order book.
Further details are available in the clearing conditions.
Final settlement price
The final settlement price is established by Eurex on the final settlement day, based on the average of the index values of the underlying on the last trading day between 11:30 and 12:00 CET.
For contracts that are admitted to trading after 15 January 2024 (starting with maturity Sep 24), the average value of all index calculations of the VSTOXX® between 11:00 and 12:00 CE(S)T on the last trading day applies.
Admitted to the Eurex Block Trade Service with a Minimum Block Trade Size of 1,000 contracts