Manage and hedge sustainability exposure
With the ever-increasing mandates and focus on building sustainable portfolios, global investors are increasingly looking for tools to help with their ESG integration. Derivatives on ESG benchmarks offer a listed solution to facilitate this integration.
Responsible Investing
With an initial focus on easy to deploy responsible index investment approaches, Eurex offers cost-efficient and liquid sustainable index derivatives with a low tracking error close to benchmark performance.
We continue to develop our offering of sustainable versions of key global, European and regional benchmarks covering a broad range of ESG methodologies. Stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletters.
Find out about our ESG ecosystem
EEX Group provides liquid, safe and transparent markets for energy and commodity markets across the globe. By operating these markets, EEX Group’s trading venues and clearing houses play a pivotal role in the functioning of energy and related markets, which are directly linked to the energy transition.
EEX Group continuously develops its products and services by looking into new market solutions which support the long-term transition of the energy system worldwide to a higher proportion of carbon-free renewable energies.
Xetra with its average monthly trading volume of around €16.5 billion is the leading trading venue for ETFs in Europe.
Around 20 per cent of all ETFs on Xetra now focus on sustainability. As more and more investors are opting for the sustainable variant of an established benchmark index, the range of sustainable ETFs is growing steadily.
ISS is a leading global provider of corporate governance and responsible investment solutions, market intelligence, fund services, events and editorial content for institutional investors and corporations.
ISS ESG helps clients to apply responsible investment strategies throughout the investment cycle.
More and more investors want to invest sustainably – but they lack the necessary information to make the right decisions.
A new offer from Deutsche Börse Cash Market will provide a
solution: the ESG Visibility Hub offers issuers listed on Frankfurt Stock Exchange the opportunity to present their ESG efforts in the field of sustainability.
Involvement of Eurex
As a leading exchange house for ESG index derivatives, Eurex participates in conferences, provides specialized webinars and articles to educate and promote the ESG principles, and is actively part of focus working groups such as:
ISDA – ESG Steering Committee and Sustainable Finance Working Group
ICMA – Repo & Sustainability Taskforce
ISLA – ESG Working Group
ASSIOM Forex ESG Committee