
Options Data via EOBI

Options Data will be available via EOBI

Eurex to added options market data to the EOBI interface for all products in February 2019. To help you prepare for this enhancement, we provided the below options sample data files for your programming and implementation preparation. The files are network capture files in pcap format:

In the Eurex T7 6.1 simulation environment, market data via EOBI is available for all products which are setup. The bandwidth of existing EOBI connections is capable for processing also the options market data.

To coincide with the additional market data offering, Eurex is consolidating market data into five services, enabling Participants to choose the market data best suited to their requirements:

  • (Existing) Co-Location 2.0 Mkt. Data Eurex EMDI
  • (Existing) Co-Location 2.0 Mkt. Data Eurex EOBI (Futures)
  • (Existing) Co-Location 2.0 Mkt. Data Eurex EMDI & EOBI (Futures)
  • (New) Co-Location 2.0 Mkt. Data Eurex EOBI (Futures + Options)
  • (New) Co-Location 2.0 Mkt. Data Eurex EMDI & EOBI (Futures + Options)

The market data services can be ordered via the Member Section. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at