Contract value
EUR 100 per volatility index point.
Physical delivery of the underlying. The underlying matures on the same exchange day and will be settled in cash.
Price quotation and minimum price change
The price quotation is in index points with three decimal places. The minimum price change is 0.025 index points, equivalent to a value of EUR 2.50.
Contract months
Up to 8 months:The eight nearest successive calendar months.
Last trading day and final settlement day
Last trading day is the final settlement day. Final settlement day is 30 calendar days before the expiration day of the underlying options (i.e. 30 days before the third Friday of the expiration month of the underlying options, if this is an exchange day). This is usually the Wednesday before the second last Friday of the respective expiration month, if this is an exchange day; otherwise the exchange day immediately preceding that day. Close of trading in the maturing futures on the last trading day is at 12:00 CET.
Daily settlement price
The daily settlement price is established by Eurex. The daily settlement prices for Options on VSTOXX® Futures are determined through the Black/Scholes 76 model.
Further details are available in the clearing conditions.
Final settlement price
The final settlement price is established by Eurex on the final settlement day, based on the average of the index values of the underlying on the last trading day between 11:30 and 12:00 CET.
American-style; an option can be exercised up to the end of the Post-Trading Full Period (20:30 CET) on any exchange day during the lifetime of the option.
Exercise prices
All option series have exercise prices with price gradations in the amount of not less that one point.
Number of exercise prices
Upon the admission of a contract, at least fifteen exercise prices shall be made available for each term for each call and put, such that seven exercise prices are in-the-money, one is at-the-money and seven are out-of-the-money.
Futures-style premium
The premium payment is not made through a one-time payment after the purchase of the option; instead it is part of the daily settlement process during the duration of the option position based on a mark-to-market valuation of the position on each exchange day. The valuation is made on the day on which the transaction is entered into on the basis of the difference between the option price and the daily settlement price, and thereafter on the basis of the difference between the daily settlement prices of the current exchange day and the preceding exchange day. The daily settlement may also result in an interim debit of the writer. Upon exercise and assignment of the option, as well as upon its expiration, a final premium payment shall be made in an amount equivalent to the daily settlement price of the options contract on the exercise day or the expiration day, as the case may be.
Admitted to the Eurex Block Trade Service with a Minimum Block Trade Size of 1,000 contracts; the EnLight Minimum Block Trade Size is 1,000 contracts.