06. Dez. 2019


MSCI Index Dividend Futures: Tradability for U.S. Participants

Eurex Circular 120/19

1.   Introduction

As of 9 December 2019, Eurex Participants and investors domiciled in the U.S. will have the following additional products available for trading:

  • MSCI Emerging Markets Index Dividend Futures (FEFD)
  • MSCI EAFE Index Dividend Futures (FFPD)
  • MSCI World Index Dividend Futures (FWPD)

2.   Participation requirements

There is no specific action required for participation in trading of these products.

3.   Details of the initiative

Eurex Deutschland submitted a written request to the Division of Market Oversight of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to offer MSCI Emerging Markets, MSCI EAFE and MSCI World Index Dividend Futures in the U.S., and the CFTC has notified Eurex Deutschland that these contracts may be made available for trading in the U.S.

The respective new Capacity Group is “CASH USD CFTC” (before: “CASH USD”).

Pursuant to Eurex Deutschland’s registration with the CFTC as a foreign board of trade, the MSCI Emerging Markets, MSCI EAFE and MSCI World Index Dividend Futures can be offered to U.S. persons via Eurex terminals with direct access in the U.S. or sold to these persons.

Furthermore, the Multicast addresses for data distribution will remain unchanged. Port numbers, however, will change as follows:

  • Snapshot messages: Change from 59032 to 59000
  • Incremental messages: Change from 59033 to 59001

Further information

Recipients:All Trading Participants of Eurex Deutschland and Vendors
Target groups:Front Office/Trading, Middle + Backoffice, IT/System Administration, Auditing/Security Coordination
Contact:Lorena Dishnica, Equity & Index Product Design T +44-207-862-72 42,; Rachna Mathur, US Equity & Index Sales, T +1-212-3 09 93 08,
Authorized by:Michael Peters



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