17. Okt. 2019


ETF derivatives: Introduction of options on iShares EUR High Yield Corporate Bond ETF and iShares Core EUR Corporate Bond ETF

Eurex Circular 098/19

1.    Introduction

The Management Board of Eurex Deutschland and the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG took the following decision with effect from 9 December 2019:

Introduction of options on:

  • iShares EUR High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (IHYG LN)
  • iShares Core EUR Corporate Bond ETF (IEAC LN)

This will be done in response to client demand to expand the fixed income ETF options offering at Eurex Exchange and incorporate European corporate bond ETFs in the product suite.

Simulation start: 24 October 2019
Production start: 9 December 2019

2.    Required actions

Participants interested in trading the options must ensure that they have the necessary set-up to clear the underlying ETF shares.

3.    Details of the initiative

The fixed income ETF options on iShares EUR High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (IHYG LN) and iShares Core EUR Corporate Bond ETF (IEAC LN) offer Participants an instrument to manage risk against European corporate bond indices.

Both of the options have UCITS-compliant underlyings.


  • Updated sections of the Contract Specifications for Futures Contracts and Options Contracts at Eurex Deutschland

Recipients:All Trading Participants of Eurex Deutschland and Vendors
Target groups:Front Office/Trading, Middle + Backoffice
Contact:Sales: Vassily Pascalis, Tel: +44-20-78 62-72 11, 
FI PD: Samuel Price, Tel: +44 (0)207 8 62-73 47, 
FI P: Rex Jones, Tel: +49-69-211-1 78 06, > Products > Exchange traded products derivatives
Authorized by:Michael Peters



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