28 Jun 2016

Eurex Clearing

Eurex Clearing’s CCP Release 12.0: Frozen zones for the simulation and production environments

In preparation for the production launch of Eurex Clearing’s CCP Release 12.0 on Monday, 6 February 2017, Eurex Clearing has determined frozen zones for simulation and production environments.
Please note that these frozen zones also have impact on the set-up in other systems/markets such as C7 and EurexOTC Clear.

CCP Release 12.0 focuses on the introduction of T2S wave 4. In this wave, Clearstream Banking Frankfurt AG (CBF) will migrate its securities settlement business to T2S, the new European securities settlement system in central bank money. The migration date and simulation phase have been defined by the European Central Bank (ECB).
In order to prepare for the migration weekend, three Migration Weekend Dress Rehearsals (MWDRs) are scheduled by the ECB as follows:
• 8 – 9 July 2016
• 1 – 2 October 2016 (Currently planned as Eurex Clearing migration test without CBF/ECB participation. For details, please refer to the CCP 12.0 Member Simulation Guide.)
• 17 – 18 December 2016.

Participation of Eurex Clearing in the MWDRs is required and necessitates frozen zones for changes to static data of Members in CCP 12.0 simulation.