20 Nov 2017

Eurex Clearing

C7 Release 4.0: Production launch announcement

With this circular, Eurex Clearing announces the production launch of C7 Release 4.0 on 4 December 2017.

C7 Release 4.0 migrates the collateral management services functionality from the Eurex Clearing classic system to the C7 infrastructure. In addition, enhancements to the current collateral management functionality are installed.

Consequently, all Members of Eurex Clearing including participants of the connected trade venues Eurex Exchanges, Eurex Repo, EurexOTC Clear, Eurex Bonds, Frankfurt Stock Exchange and Irish Stock Exchange that are currently managing collateral via the @X-tract GUI, are required to migrate to the C7 Clearing GUI in order to continue their collateral management activities.

C7 Release 4.0 is a mandatory release for all Clearing Members, Non-Clearing Members and Registered Customers of Eurex Clearing AG.

This circular contains important information regarding the preparation of the production launch and the migration weekend.

For a detailed description of the changes that will be introduced with C7 Release 4.0, please refer to the   “C7 4.0 Release Notes” on the Eurex Clearing website under the following link:

Technology > Eurex Clearing’s C7 > System documentation > Release 4.0 > Overview and Functionality