All Clearing Members need access to C7 Clearing GUI for collateral management purposes.
Furthermore, each Clearing Member needs to have access to the Common Report Engine, a SFTP server that allows centralized provision of Eurex Clearing reports.
In order to provide Members with greater flexibility, our Members can choose between several access alternatives to the Eurex Clearing.
Clearing Members for Eurex Repo transactions may use the services of a Multi-Member Front-End Operator, leased lines, internet connections, or a combination of these. If you are using a leased line connection, we require a back-up connection in order to ensure consistent and robust access to the market. The back-up connection must have the same bandwidth as the principal line and can also be an internet connection.
Therefore, each Eurex Repo Clearing Member is obliged to connect to the clearing systems using at least one of the following alternatives:
In case you already have existing connections to the clearing systems, you do not need additional connections for your Eurex Repo Clearing License.
* GC Pooling Select Invest: Different to the connectivity requirements described in the above mentioned passages, all Corporate Customers/Non-financial institutions, participating as "ISA Direct Light License Holders" are not required to connect to the Eurex Clearing systems instead, " ISA Direct Light License Holders" are just required to have access to the Common Report Engine.