20. Juni 2016


High flyer: STOXX® Europe 600 index derivatives

Our STOXX® Europe 600 index derivatives provide many opportunities. The index represents large, mid and small capitalization companies across 18 countries of the European region.  It is therefore a broad, investable index, making it useful as a benchmark for the entire European stock market. Our derivatives on the STOXX® Europe 600 Index enjoy a successful development in the first half of 2016.

STOXX® Europe 600 Index Futures (Product ID: FXXP)

  • Until June 2016 maturity, 5.7 mn contracts have been transacted. Thereof, approximately 70% was traded via the order book.
  • ADV (y-o-y) grew by 148% to 48,000 contracts.
  • Open interest (over 300,000 contracts) doubled compared to May 2015.
  • 10 Market Makers are permanently supporting liquidity in STOXX® Europe 600 Index Futures.
  • Over 160 active Market Participants from a very diverse base.

STOXX® Europe 600 Index Options (Product ID: OXXP)

  • In light of increasing liquidity in the futures contracts, the first Market Maker has started to permanently quote STOXX® Europe 600 Index Options.
  • Since April 2016 new strike price intervals are available to offer more granularity in choosing the right strike.
  • Open interest raised by +40% in only one month.

Eurex Exchange - Enjoy the broadest choice of Equity Index Derivatives worldwide.

For further information on our portfolio of derivatives on European size indexes please contact

Nicolae Raulet
Equity & Index Product Design

T +44-20-78 62-72 74


Christine Heyde
Equity & Index Product Design

T +49-69-211-1 56 98


Philipp Schultze
Equity & Index Sales EMEA

T +41-43-430-71 26



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